Uncle Leo, why are you so angry!

on Friday, September 28, 2007

Remember that Seinfeld episode where Uncle Leo has his eyebrows burnt off accidentally and ends having some eyebrows (badly) drawn on. He ended up looking angry at everyone, which made the episode a classic. While that episode was funny, the reality is...eyebrows do bother me. No no, not in the sense that they should be removed. My pet peeve is seeing so many butchered eyebrows! Honestly, there's a limit to how much you can pluck them! I'm getting the hunch that these people are going for an eyebrow look that falls in between a transvestite and porno star.
So let's start with what I call the McDonald Arch eyebrows. These eyebrows have an unnatural semi-circular shape that makes you look like you're constantly surprised. The picture above is the best I could google at the moment, but I've seen worse..
Next, there's the "I glued on a piece of string" for eyebrows. These ones are literally as thin as a piece of string. I'm not really sure what to make of it because it doesn't look natural at all. I think Pamela Anderson is a good example of that.
The last one on my mind is what I call the "mini chopsticks" - these ones are excessively trimmed, to the point that it just looks like a straight line hovering above your eyes.
Whether you believe it or not, there's a science about how eyebrows are shaped. For example, forensic experts can figure out the width of your lips (when you're not smiling) based on where your eye pupils (the dark spot) are. Similarly, the eyebrow has a science as well. The eyebrow starting positions is roughly where your eye starts (towards your nose that is!). It then slopes up almost in a straight line until it gets to its peak. The arch (peak of the eyebrow) is found by drawing a line from the side of your nose, across the eye pupil and then towards the upslope of your eyebrows. Afterwards, the eyebrow slopes down so that if you draw a line from the side of your nose again, past the outside of your eye, it'll meet up where it should end. Here's an example of what I'm talking about, I drew some lines to make it clearer. Well that's the end of my rant about bad eyebrow jobs.


Anonymous said...

Of course Catherine Zeta Jones... and Eva Longoria are flawless.

You're so picky.

simsim said...

I like being picky.

Anonymous said...

What if you meet the perfect woman... but ... she has a McDonald arches for eyebrows....??

Would you be able to look past the brows and into her eyes... would you be able to fall in love? Or... would you only be thinking " I'll have a coke with that... oh and supersize the fries"?

simsim said...

Is it a diet coke?

Anonymous said...

Eww you like diet?

simsim said...

It's not about liking it, it's about IF (i.e rarely) I drink some sort of pop, I might as well avoid the 40 grams of sugar in it (or almost 20 minutes worth of jogging for 1 can).