My new pet's name is peeves! So now that I finished cramming two years of medicine into my head in the span of 4 weeks for a licensing exam, I must do a little rant. There were two main issues that actually frustrated me during this exam period. The first being Adobe Professional (7.0). Now as some people know, I study purely off my laptop. All of my notes & books are in adobe format. Adobe makes me angry. Why? Well because no matter how good my computer is, no matter what year I buy a computer, it seems the newer and faster processors, and more RAM can't handle the new ways that the Adobe software engineers come up with to make their product slow and sluggish. In all honesty, when I go to buy a new laptop, I don't just look at the specs, but I do one main test: open an adobe file on the computer and see how long it takes. I can only imagine these software engineers sitting around, coming up with new 'creative' ways of making Adobe more user friendly and full of new options, and probably getting some weird sexual gratification out of it. Look! just make the product work in a reasonable speed and not eat up 90% of my RAM.
My second pet peeve would be related to medicine. When you have to cram everything known in medicine into your head, you appreciate it when the name of the disease gives away what the disease is all about. For example "X-linked agammaglobulinemia." tells me it affects men, and it means your immune system doesn't work. Great! the name gives it away for me. But when you get stuff like "Paget's disease" - what memory does that trigger in my head? It triggers the frustration memory. Why? Well because Mr. Paget has several diseases named after him - Paget's disease of the bones, Paget's disease of the nipple, and Paget's cyst. Honestly, why! Clearly they weren't thinking of med students when these names were made up. Make the name of diseases memorable! Med students these days have a lot more to learn than they did 100 years ago, so any help would be appreciated. Honestly, if I discover some disease down the road, I'm not going to stamp my last name on it. Instead I'll make it obvious, i.e. itchy bum syndrome. Treatment? stop sitting there waiting for Adobe to load your file.
First of all, my apologies for the long delay in writing something. I've been busy studying for a licensing exam. Studying during the summer time is as painful and difficult as delivering babies. Yes yes, I have experienced it. Anyways, so during my procrastination cycles (roughly every 10 minutes of study), I stumbled upon this site This was the only site I could find when I was trying to figure out the record for the longest hug. In any case, these two lovely couples hugged for 24 hours! Since I love hugs, I immediately knew that I must outdo this world record. Is it doable? why not! I have two of the three ingredients I need so far: 1) I love hugs 2) I can stay up for over 24 hours if I had to (hey that's part of being in medicine anyways!) What is the third ingredient you ask? Well, I'll need an enthusiastic hugger too. I figure once I find my dream girl then perhaps we can set out to beat that record, and fundraise some money for a good cause too! How do I know the girl I'll be with will be a good and enthusiastic hugger? well, I wouldn't date a bad hugger! If I go out with a girl on a date and she's not a good hugger, then she's got a loooong way to go before I have to reconsider my thoughts. Well I'll keep the world posted about my big plans! I'm very excited to do this one day!
Well back to hugging my books.